
Original price was: KShs 750.00.Current price is: KShs 350.00.

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The proposed business will be operated and Managed by Collins Odhiambo who is currently taking Diploma course at RVTTI. The proposed business will commence its operations in the year 2024. This will be possible because the owner will have accumulated enough capital, will have acquired enough entrepreneur skills and will have discovered there is unemployment in Kenya hence creating employment


The business will also promote and advertise as a means of creating awareness to the intended customers with the aim of capturing large number of customers and to make business popular than any business around.


The business will be managed by the owner who is   the manager. His   name is Collins odhiambo.  The business has a total number of eight employee’s i.e the manager, her assistance, a cashier, three sales persons, one cleaner and a security guard. The business will be taking its employees for training. Promotion will depend on the employee qualifications and experience. The business will need support from commercial banks


The business will need equipment’s, furniture, vehicle and other asssets for it to run smoothly. Therefore the business will purchase computers to store business and employees documents and transactions .There will also be purchase of CCTV cameras for security purposes into the business, a vehicle for transportation of goods to the business. The manager will be incharge of the business, while the cashier will be keeping accounting records and making sure that all bills are paid and the goods supplied are paid for. The business is a services industry where it involves buying and selling of goods and commodities in the premises.


The business will start with initial capital of 550,000 which comprises of both owners capital and bank loan. The cashier will prepare all the books of accounts to show the financial positon of the business. Should preparing from the time the business starts, she will prepare a pre operational cost table from there she will prepare cash flow project for that year. This will help in determining   whether the business is making profit as it is the wish of  every business.


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